Naxos Music Library (NML) is the world's largest online classical music library. As of February 2023, it offers streaming access to over 176,000 CDs with over 2.7 million tracks. The aim of NML is to eventually offer access to every work of classical music ever recorded and to become the ultimate resource in the classical music field.
The NML collection includes a wide range of genres, including classical instrumental and vocal music, world music, jazz, opera, musical theater, gospel, pop/rock, and relaxation music, as well as spoken word recordings.
In addition to the recordings, NML includes a wealth of additional text-based information, including liner notes, composer and artist biographies, a glossary of musical terms, musicology resources, a pronunciation guide for composer and artist names, and libretti and synopses for hundreds of operas.
The library features both keyword and advanced search capabilities, and it can also be browsed by composer, work, label, or genre. Users can also access pre-created institutional playlists, or create their own.
NML can be accessed from any computer, anywhere, any time. A free mobile app is also available for all subscribers using an iPhone or Android.