Hoovers allows you to find comprehensive data, analysis, and news on companies, industries, and people. You can even build a custom "OneStop" report to save or print. Make sure to select the listing for the "parent" company rather than a subsidiary.
Business Source Elite is great for articles, but it also provides convenient, downloadable company reports that are a fantastic starting point for your research. NOTE: Not every company will have a profile available.
Search for the company by name using the search bar, then select "Company Profiles" from the "Source type" drop-down menu, and click the "Apply" button. Be sure to check the publication date to make sure the report is recent.
Search within the list to find the Market Line report PDF for your chosen company. This one document will include a wealth of information about the organization itself as well as an overview of its competition.
Nexis Uni is another valuable source of company profile information, and it's especially helpful for analyst reports. To find these profiles, first select "Companies" from the top navigation menu, then click the "Find a Company" link under the "Dossier" heading, as shown below.
Type the name of your company into the "Company Name" search box (as shown below), then select your company from the results list. You can navigate through the company profile using the tabs along the left.
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