A good general-purpose database that includes both scholarly and popular material covering virtually all subject areas. Some items are available in full text and others are indexed only. Utilize the Subject Terms button in the top bar for more precise results.
This EBSCO database is our best single resource for publications in the field of business. The full text of most items will be available online. In addition to journal articles, BSE also includes over 10,000 company profiles, accessible from the blue navigation bar at the top of the search screen.
Full-text access to over 1,000 peer-reviewed journals covering a range of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, education, health sciences, communication, business & management, criminal justice, political science, economics, religious studies, engineering & materials science, language & cultural studies, mathematics, and more.
Search for scholarly materials online using the friendly Google search box. Many articles may be available through Reeves; check Publication Finder to find out if we subscribe. Interlibrary loan is available for items not in our holdings.