The databases in the table below allow you to limit your searches to particular age groups. Usually you can do this via a checkbox option in the left-hand "Refine Results" column, as illustrated below:
The terms in RED BOLD in the table below are subject terms and will need to be typed in as part of your search.
Age Group |
PsycINFO |
Infant |
Infants |
Infant, Newborn: birth-1 month |
Neonatal (birth-1 mo) |
Toddler |
Toddlers |
Child, Preschool: 2-5 years |
Preschool Age (2-5 yrs) |
Early childhood |
Preschool Education |
Child, Preschool: 2-5 years |
Preschool Age (2-5 yrs) |
Middle childhood |
Elementary Education |
Child: 6-12 years |
School Age (6-12 yrs) |
Adolescence |
Junior High Schools |
Adolescent: 13-18 years |
Adolescence (13-17 yrs) |
Emerging Adulthood | Young Adults [emerging adult*] in search box |
Young Adult: 19-24 years | Emerging Adulthood |
Early Adulthood |
Higher Education |
Young Adult: 19-44 yrs |
Young Adulthood (18-29 yrs) Thirties (30-39 yrs) |
Middle Adulthood |
Adult Education |
Middle Aged: 45-64 years |
Middle Age (40-64 yrs) |
Late Adulthood |
Aged: 65+ years |
Aged (65 yrs & older) |
End of Life |
Palliative Care |
Palliative Care |
(Many thanks to Heidi Senior at the University of Portland for the table!)
To find a specific journal, such as the Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, search for it in our Full Text Finder tool. Full Text Finder will link you to the appropriate database or will tell you where to find it if it is in the print periodicals collection downstairs in the Learning Commons.
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