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Copyright for Students

A guide for students and future teachers who are including outside materials as part of their own multimedia projects

Using Images Ethically

Finding images that you are permitted to use for your work is actually pretty easy. Many photographers and artists make their images available under a Creative Commons license and allow them to be used freely. There are different kinds of Creative Commons licenses, so remember:

  • Make sure that the image is licensed for the type of use you intend
  • Always give attribution, even if the image is in the public doman (a slide at the end of a presentation or an entry in the References list of a written work is usually sufficient)

For more information on what the different usage rights designations mean, consult the link below:

Finding Images with Creative Commons Licenses

Getty Images

Getty Images now allows the embedding of many of their images onto blogs, websites, and social media. To search the images they have made freely available and to understand their requirements for how to embed them, use the link below.

Finding Images Tutorial

Citing Images


In APA style, a References list entry for an image found on the web looks like this:

 Artist Lastname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year published). Title of the artwork. Retrieved from URL


As usual, if some of this information is missing, do your best with the information at hand. For example:

Ploscar, M. (2013). [Photograph of apple hanging from branch]. Retrieved from

(Since this image lacked a title, we used a short description of the image within square brackets, instead.)



In MLA style, the Works Cited list entry would look like this:


Artist Lastname, First Name. "Title or Description of Image." Title of the Website, Publisher OR
Institution that houses the art. Date of publication, URL (without http:// or https://).

Ploscar, Mircea. Photograph of apple hanging from branch. Pixabay, 18 Oct. 2013,

(Since this image did not have a title, we used a simple description and omitted the quotation marks.)


When in doubt, please consult the style manuals in our reference collection or make an appointment with the Writing Center!

Legal Disclaimer

Reeves Memorial Library maintains this guide to enhance access to information about fair use under copyright. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.

However the Library accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site.

This information is:

  • of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;
  • not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date;
  • sometimes linked to external sites over which the Library no control and for which the Library assumes no responsibility;
  • not legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a qualified professional).

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