TIME-SAVER: You can also search all three of the EBSCOhost databases at one time! Click this link and then select Academic Search Elite, MEDLINE, and SPORTDiscus from the list.
These databases are free search tools. Some of the materials may be freely available in full-text access; you will need to use Full Text Finder or interlibrary loan to get the complete text of others.
These journals are freely available online with full-text access.
To find a specific journal, such as Food & Nutrition Research, search for it in our subscription directory, Full-Text Finder. Full-Text Finder will link you to the appropriate database or will tell you where to find it if it is in the print periodicals collection downstairs in the library building.
For a list of nutrition journals in our library, look in the "Browse by Discipline" list. There is a category for "Nutrition & Dietetics" where you can browse our nutrition journal collection.
A few recommended journals:
Food Manufacture
Food Science & Technology International
Food Technology
International Journal of Food Science & Nutrition
Journal of Food Science
Nutrition Reviews
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