Tips for searching HillCat:
When you find a book in HillCat that you want to check out, click on the "Availability" button to see where the item is and whether or not it is available. Write down or text yourself the call number. Take note of the collection (circulating, fiction, children's room) and make sure that the book is available.
You will see ebooks listed alongside print books in the catalog. To access an ebook, click the "Web Site" link beside the small globe icon.
Remember that you need to bring your SHU ID card to check out books from the library.
Our collection of ebooks, Ebook Central, is accessible right in your web browser. You will find Ebook Central books in HillCat (look for the globe icons and click the "Web site" links beside them), or search the ebook catalog directly for books on your topic. You can set up an account to add books to your virtual bookshelf and to add notes to what you read. You can also download a copy to your iPad for offline access for up to two weeks.
Check out books and other library materials at the front Circulation Desk at the library with your SHU ID. You must have your ID card to borrow items, including reserve materials.
Current students with no fines or fees are not limited in the number of materials that they can borrow at one time.
Your Seton Hill ID card allows you to borrow books directly from several area academic libraries.
Resident Seton Hill students are also entitled to a free library card from Greensburg-Hempfield Area Library, which is part of the Westmoreland Library Network. The public library is located downtown on Pennsylvania Avenue, across the street from the Post Office.
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