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Meet Reeves! -- Faculty Orientation

Learn about the resources and services we offer to you as a member of the Seton Hill community.

The Purchase Request Process

Faculty input is key to developing the library’s collection to meet the curricular needs of the Seton Hill community.  Faculty may request that the library purchase a new item for the collection using funds from the library budget.

To request a new item for purchase, simply fill out a “Book/Media Request” form, below.  The form is also available under MySHU > Resources > Library. It's called "Book_Media Form 2023."  Completed forms should be sent directly to Adam Pellman, Director of Reeves Memorial Library, for final approval and purchase.

Requests that cannot be fulfilled using the current year’s funds will be held for purchase until the following budget year.

Online Form:

Printable Form:

Filling Out the Request Form

Please fill out the request form as completely as possible, providing all necessary information that is readily available.

Suggested Sites

If you would like to find out about new resources that are available for request, there are many helpful tools at your disposal.  Publisher websites and print catalogs are an excellent source of information on new and forthcoming titles, and usually allow you to browse by topical area.  If you have access to The Chronicle of Higher Education, that publication's weekly book lists (which are available online to subscribers) are another great source of information about new titles.

Below is a list of suggested online sources for information on print and audiovisual resources:

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Reeves Memorial Library | 1 Seton Hill Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601 | 724.838.4291
© 2024 Seton Hill University